
Tuesday 1 June 2010

Postgraduate research student pages

We need to restructure the research postgraduate's pages of our website, in particular the resources section. We've known this for some time but haven't had the time to devote to it. A couple of weeks ago Matt and I had a meeting with the Research Student Team to begin to talk about the restructure and last week we met with Duncan to decide on some headings under which to organise content. We looked at the Joint Skills Statement of Skills Training Requirements (JSS) and the headings that Vitae use in the Postgraduate researchers section of their website. The headings we've come up with are a combination of both of these and are as follows.
  • Managing your research (Vitae = 'Managing your research project', JSS = A: research skills and techniques, C: research management)
  • Managing yourself (Vitae = 'Managing your yourself', JSS = D: personal effectiveness)
  • Communicating your research (Vitae = 'Raising your profile', JSS = E: communication skills)
  • Developing your career (Vitae = 'Developing your career', JSS = G: career management)
  • Supervision and key relationships (Vitae = 'Supervision and key relationships', JSS = B: research environment, F: teamworking and networking skills)
  • Completing your doctorate (Vitae = 'Completing your doctorate', JSS = B: research environment)
I'd be interested to know whether people think that this is a sensible structure and whether you have any recommendations for external content to go under these headings to supplement our own. I think we'll start applying these headings to our resources section and then apply them to the rest of the site in due course.

In a minor update last week I changed the front page of the research postgraduate pages to be a summary view of the latest news items in order to make this page as up to date and dynamic as possible. I think the way Plone renders images attached to news items in the summary view works pretty well.

1 comment:

  1. [...] To include academic skills development for undergraduates and support for research postgraduates (the latter’s web pages we will be restructuring over the summer – I blogged about some ideas last week) [...]
